Your Stories
I want to thank the entire hospice team, from the nurses and doctors to the chaplain and the bathing team for taking such great care of my mother during this difficult time. Each and every one of you genuinely cared about not only her but her family members as well. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done!
Daughter of a Hospice Patient
In August of 2023, I brought my daughter home for hospice care. She fought hard to get better but the good Lord had his plans for her. She was very smart, went to college and worked hard to make a difference in the lives of those fighting addiction. She loved her job.
When I made the arrangements to bring her home from Spokane hospital, I stayed strong for her. Thankful to the W.S. ambulance for helping to get her home. For the first few days we went through this alone, we had her supplies for care and comfort, we had to wait for her care team to get the information they needed to help us with hospice care. My daughter lasted 1 week at home, she got to see family, talk with her children and her good friends. The last few days I knew we would have to say our goodbye to get a at this time she went to sleep and never opened her eyes, or said I Love you mom. As I said I stayed strong from day 1 when she went to the hospital until the day I buried my baby, my smart, beautiful daughter. I appreciate the Heartlinks nurses, on call nurses, staff for being available for me and my family during my daughter's last days here in Earth. Your care and helpfulness in tending to her needs was what we needed. Today I thank you for the kind gestures of the cards, emails that you share your thoughts and sympathy with me and the family. That means a lot to me that you do this. Thank you for everything. May God Bless each and one of you and yours
Mother of a Hospice Patient
Your Hospice nurses were like angels in helping us when our mom was in her home-going journey! They allayed our fears, teaching and encouraging us just how we needed it. They were kind, gentle, caring in their interactions with mom, and seemed so knowledgeable, capable, and confident in what they did. They were available any time of the day or night by phone and would come out to the house daily if needed. They were a gift from God to help our family love on mom and provide the best possible care to her in her final days. So thankful for them!
Daughter of a Hospice Patient
I really appreciate everything you guys do for us as a family. I just want what’s best for my baby and my family and I try my hardest.
Mom of an 8-month-old palliative care patient
Heartlinks is a great program…lots of support emotionally…and just doing all the work and letting me enjoy time with my baby.
Mom of a 4-month-old palliative care patient
You have blessed our lives for many years and I appreciate you so much. You are precious and so valuable to us! Thank you.
Mom of a 16-year-old palliative care patient
Heartlinks has been there for us.