Helpful Links & Resources
Access to reliable information and support is essential when navigating palliative care and hospice care. We've curated a list of resources to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with the challenges of these services. Whether you're looking for information on financial assistance, caregiver support, or end-of-life planning, Heartlinks is here to help you in your journey.
General Education Books & Resources
In your journey through hospice and palliative care, knowledge is not just power—it's comfort, understanding, and compassion. We've curated a selection of insightful books and resources that delve into various aspects of hospice and palliative care, offering guidance, inspiration, and valuable insights for patients, families, and caregivers alike.
On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families
by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Being Mortal
by Atul Gawande
Death Over Dinner
How we want to die represents the most important and costly conversation America isn’t having. This uplifting, interactive adventure can transform seemingly difficult conversation into one of deep engagement, insight and empowerment.
The Conversation Project
Helping people share their wishes for care through the end of life.
Advance Directives
Completing your advance directives before a crisis occurs can help ensure that your end-of-life wishes are known to your healthcare provider, family, and friends.
"Five Wishes" is an easy-to-use legal document written in everyday language that lets anyone 18 or older plan how they want to be cared for and who they want to speak for them in case they become seriously ill.
Five Wishes helps you express how you want to be treated if you are seriously ill and unable to speak for yourself. It is unique among all other living will and health agent forms because it speaks to all a person's needs: medical, personal, emotional and spiritual. Five Wishes also helps structure discussions with your family and physician.
Up to 10 hard-copy documents may be requested for pick up or mailed to you by calling 509-837-1676. If you require additional documents, you can purchase them online here.
Get Your Copy of Five Wishes
"*" indicates required fields
Grief Resources
Access to reliable information and support is essential when navigating palliative care and hospice care. We've curated a list of resources to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with the challenges of these services. Whether you're looking for information on financial assistance, caregiver support, or end-of-life planning, Heartlinks is here to help you in your journey.
Books on Grief
Understanding your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart
by Alan D. Wolfelt
Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying
by Maggie Callahan and Patricia Kelley
The Four Things That Matter Most
by Dr. Ira Byock
The American Book of Living and Dying: Lessons in Healing Spiritual Pain
by Richard Groves
Upcoming Grief Support Events
Free Grief Education Booklets
These short books may help you through your grief journey and are available for free upon request when you fill out the following form. You may receive one copy of each of the following books.
"*" indicates required fields
Blooming Hearts Grief Support Kit
Request a bag of items from Heartlinks to help a young person walk through grief. They include a journal, activity book, craft supplies, snacks and tissues. Support kits must be picked up at one of our offices in Richland, Grandview or Yakima unless otherwise arranged. If you need more than four kits, contact our office at (509) 837-1676.

"*" indicates required fields
For Parents and Caregivers of Children with Serious Illness
Caring for a child with a serious illness brings unique challenges and emotions. This collection of resources is tailored to support parents and caregivers through this difficult journey, offering insights, practical advice, and emotional guidance.
Is your child grieving the loss of a loved one? Request a bag of items from Heartlinks to help a young person walk through grief.
Continuing Education Presentations for Healthcare Providers
Heartlinks cares deeply for and respects caregivers, both professionals and lay people. We are dedicated to making sure our community is trained and able to provide the compassionate care it deserves.
The staff at Heartlinks can customize a presentation to meet your unique needs. All courses meet the requirements for continuing education as set forth by the Washington State Board of Nursing.
Please contact us at (509) 837-1676 to schedule training for your staff at your location or ours.
What is Hospice Care?
What is Palliative Care?
The Difference Between Hospice Care and Palliative Care
End-of-Life Education and the Dying Process
Care Coordination
Pain Control and Symptom Management
The 9 Kinds of Pain
Non-Verbal Cues
Skin & Wound Care
Caregiver Wellness
Loss, Grief and Bereavement
Grief During the Holidays
Hospice Medicare Benefit
Volunteer Opportunities